Boys to Men is excited to announce that we’ll be having a special guest come talk to the boys on Sunday November 20th. Ahmed Plummer, former OSU cornerback and NFL pro, will be…
Boys to Men: Guest Speaker Ahmed Plummer
November 8, 2022
November 8, 2022
Boys to Men is excited to announce that we’ll be having a special guest come talk to the boys on Sunday November 20th. Ahmed Plummer, former OSU cornerback and NFL pro, will be…
November 7, 2022
All students in grades 7th through 12th are invited to a night of games, food, worship and a Bible message. Invite your friends and join us for a good time.
November 7, 2022
This group will meet the second Sunday of each month during the school year for 5th & 6th graders. 217 is a reference to 2 Timothy 1:7 which states, – “for God gave…
November 3, 2022
Over the past five years, NAPC has been building relationships within the Linden community through partnerships with FCA, RESET, EELC, Linden-McKinley and 28:19. Feedback has been overwhelming positive about our dedication to the…
November 3, 2022
Join us immediately following Acoustic worship for a Congregational Meeting. At this meeting we will be present the 2023 budget, and will vote to elect new elders, deacons and nominating committee members…
October 13, 2022
One of our values at NAPC is that we will be “Bible-centered” in all we do. This is especially true in our two Children’s Ministry programs. In JAM (Jesus and Me) our…