Faith Formation: First Bible

October 13, 2022

One of our values at NAPC is that we will be “Bible-centered” in all we do. This is especially true in our two Children’s Ministry programs. In JAM (Jesus and Me) our…


Faith Formation: Profession of Faith

September 21, 2022

Your fourth – sixth grade student is invited to attend our Profession of Faith (POF) class. This class is part of our Faith Formation program in which NAPC partners with parents to guide…


NAPC New Member Class

September 12, 2022

Here at NAPC we believe membership involves four specific areas of Christian life. Showing Up, Serving, Sacrificially Giving, and Sanctification. In order to join as a member of NAPC, you will need to…



Boys to Men: Kayaking Kick-Off Event

July 28, 2022

If you have a boy going into 7th grade through 12th grade, then Boys to Men is the program for you! Come join us the morning of Saturday, August 27th to learn…



New Member Class: August

July 18, 2022

Here at NAPC we believe membership involves four specific areas of Christian life. Showing Up, Serving, Sacrificially Giving, and Sanctification. In order to join as a member of NAPC, you will need to…



JAM Parent Feedback Session

July 5, 2022

At NAPC, our mission is to provide a safe, fun, Spirit-lead learning environment in which our children can develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The goals of our ministry are for children…

