How should we recognize the new birth?

May 9, 2019

The most amazing miracle in human existence is when a person who is not a believer in Jesus and therefore “without hope and without God in the world,” and “dead in the…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy


Preparation and Trust

April 25, 2019

Two weeks ago, Pastor David wrote the congregation to remind everyone about his upcoming sabbatical this summer. In the newsletter, he gave details and plans regarding what promises to be a much-deserved,…

associate pastor

Ken Rathburn


Deep Pain with Healing Purpose

April 18, 2019

It was an otherwise nondescript Wednesday in the Spring of 1992, when I was an awkward 7th grader at Gahanna Middle School East. Surprising characterization, I know … On that day, something…

associate pastor

Ken Rathburn


Let’s Make A Deal!

March 29, 2019

A couple of weeks ago I got to witness something that was pretty incredible. One of my best friends from college was on the game show “Let’s Make A Deal” hosted by…

Brady Robinson

Brady Robinson


God’s Work Among Short Creatures

March 14, 2019

I recently finished re-reading my favorite book apart from the Good Book – The Lord of the Rings. I am an incurable nerd when it comes to this classic by J.R.R. Tolkein.…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy


Puritanical Parties

February 21, 2019

Last week Lia and I hit a milestone – we went to the last school party we will ever attend for our children.  Annie’s Valentine’s Day party was the end of the…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy
