Wednesday Men’s Group
December 16, 2021
December 16, 2021
December 16, 2021
Men’s Groups resume mid-January 2022. Men’s Groups will go through an 11-week study: The Big Fight: Christian Men vs. The World, Flesh & Devil. Christian men are called to be servants in their…
December 16, 2021
Men’s Groups resume mid-January 2022. Men’s Groups will go through an 11-week study: The Big Fight: Christian Men vs. The World, Flesh & Devil. Christian men are called to be servants in…
November 15, 2021
Please join us for a Traditional style worship service where we will sing, pray, and look to the Lord with reverence during Advent Season.
November 10, 2021
Join us on December 5th for our first FAQ session in a series of many to come. In each FAQ, we will address a current topic of our culture. The goal is…
October 11, 2021
Join us at the Chiller Easton to chill with your church! Make sure to arrive at 2:30 so that you can get your skate rentals strapped on in time to get on…