Luke’s Gospel of Reversal … and the kiddos.

December 3, 2020

On January 9 1998, CBS aired the first episode of the short-lived TV show, Kids Say the Darndest Things. The show featured brief conversations between the host and children, which always included…

associate pastor

Ken Rathburn


Giving Thanks, Worshiping Emmanuel

November 27, 2020

This week we celebrate both Thanksgiving and the beginning of Advent. There is no intended connection between the two, but they usually fall within four days of each other, and they theologically…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy


Luke’s Gospel of Reversal … and our posture.

November 19, 2020

I have a tendency to slouch. I sometimes stand with my shoulders slumped and I routinely sit somewhat reclined, not quite upright in a chair. I am not sure when I developed…

associate pastor

Ken Rathburn


Hearts in the Kitchen-Aid

November 12, 2020

“And they came, everyone whose heart stirred him . . .” I have been asked a number of questions about the capital campaign over the past few weeks. Some questions have to…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy


We Hope in . . . 

November 6, 2020

One of my prayers over the last few weeks has been that there would be a decisive winner of the presidential election. God in His providence has answered that one “no,” and…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy


What Happened To Gratitude?

October 29, 2020

As you may know, with the calendar turning to November my life is about to change. My wife, Jessica, and I are expecting our first baby! We are having a son and…

Brady Robinson

Brady Robinson
