2023 Choir Retreat

We are pleased to announce the continuation of an important NAPC tradition: the Annual Choir Retreat!
We invite you to set time aside on your calendars for:
- Friday, August 25 – 6:00pm – 9:00pm
- Saturday, August 26 – 8:00am – 1:00pm
Whether you’re a current member of the choir, a past member, or someone who’d like to learn more about how rewarding it is to be a member of the choir, we have a wonderful event planned for people in any of these categories. Please come!
Our theme this year is “From the Heart Flows.”
You’ll experience moments of worship, prayer, music rehearsal, bonding time, food, and fellowship. You’ll leave with your heart full, friendships strengthened and beautiful music stuck in your head.
As if that’s not enough, we’ll also have a choir town hall meeting with Abram and Pastor David PLUS you’ll get a SNEAK PEEK into what we have planned for our first service in the new building!
RSVP here, mark it in your calendar, come, and bring a friend!
Fri, Aug 25th @ 6:00pm
Franklin Church
7171 Central College Rd
New Albany, OH 43054