24 Hour Prayer Vigil

Please join us in a 24 hour prayer vigil, beginning this Sunday November 5th at 630p, and ending Monday the 6th at 630p.
The prayer vigil will be for life and peace. More specifically, we ask that you cry out to God for:
- The protection of the unborn in Ohio through the defeat of ballot Issue 1 on November 7th
- Vulnerable pregnant moms, for their provision and that they would choose life for their children
- The Jewish people in Israel and worldwide, and for an end to anti-Semitism
- The return of the 240+ hostages taken by Hamas from Israel
- The defeat of Hamas, whose purpose is to destroy Israel through violent conflict
- Peace in Israel and in the Middle East among Jews, Muslims, and Christians
- Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East, in Israel, and in Palestine
- The end of violence in our country, and for healing for the families who mourn the loss of loved ones in Maine after the shooting
- Peace in our world and an end to armed conflicts everywhere
Please sign up to pray using this link for a 15 minute increment of prayer. You may sign up for as many 15-minute increments as you would like. We hope to fill all 96 slots, but if a time slot has already been filled that you prefer, simply put your name in the same space as whomever else has filled it. To put it another way, as many people may fill as many time slots as desired, with multiple people praying during the same timeframe.
We will begin the prayer vigil in the sanctuary from 6:30-7:30p this Sunday. We will pray with as many people as will be there, and all are invited. In the final hour, on Monday from 5:30-6:30p, we will do the same. For all other times, prayer will take place privately, wherever you may be. Below, there are a few suggestions about how you might structure your personal prayer time if you choose to participate.
Mon, Nov 6th @ 5:30pm
New Albany Presbyterian Church
5885 E Dublin Granville Rd
New Albany, OH 43054