Christmas Gift Bag Drive

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…because of Jesus, obviously, but also because we can share the love of Jesus with others!
This Christmas season, NAPC families will be able to bless those in the Linden community by participating in our “gift bag” program – which will provide thoughtful Christmas items to Linden families.
NAPC families can fill a provided Christmas gift bag with all kinds of Christmas goodies and a $25 gift card to Amazon, Kroger, or Visa to provide a special treat for a Linden family.
Christmas Gift Bag Drive has been EXTENDED to December 17th!
These gift bags will be distributed to families through Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Linden Early Childhood Learning Center, RESET and The Parable Project. Since the bags are not assigned to specific families, please keep the items unisex / one-size-fits-most.
Complete shopping list print-out can be found here.
Please provide something that shares the GOSPEL with the family receiving the gift. A handwritten note, a picture, an encouragement, etc. This is the reason for the season!
Thank you for prayerfully considering this opportunity to continue developing relationships with our Linden friends. If you have any questions, please contact Jyl Marazon or Patrick Smith.
Sun, Dec 17th @ 12:00am
New Albany Presbyterian Church
5885 E Dublin Granville Rd
New Albany, OH 43054