Ometepec Soccer Cleat Collection

NAPC will be sending a mission team to Ometepec, Mexico again in 2023. The group will leave March 4th and return March 11th. The team will be collecting new and/or gently used soccer cleats to provide Tim and Barb Wood to support their soccer ministry through Sports Outreach.
If you have a pair of cleats you or your child is no longer using, please consider donating them to the team to take to Ometepec. There is a desperate need for youth sizes.
The collection will take place at church on Sunday, February 12th and Sunday, February 19th. There will be collection boxes available at each service for you to drop off your donations.
Questions? Please contact Jim Haley.
Sun, Feb 12th @ 12:00am
NAPC Worship Center – Room 403
6600 E Dublin Granville Rd
New Albany, OH 43054