Summer JAM! 2023

Summer Service Opportunity: Playground Time!
One of the advantages of worshiping at the middle school is that we have access to a great playground for our children. Many families take advantage of this after worship. Beginning June 4, we will use the playground as part of our Summer JAM program. That’s where you come in. We need volunteers (adults and teens) to assist in Summer JAM by monitoring students on the playground. This is a really fun way for families to serve together. We need at least six volunteers each week at each service to be able to provide Summer JAM.
It is easy to sign-up. Click the link and find a date that works for you.
If you have questions, contact Anne Liptak. See you on the playground!
Sun, Jun 4th @ 12:00am
NAMS Cafeteria Building
6600 E Dublin Granville Rd
New Albany, OH 43054