Summer JAM! 2024 Volunteers

Are you looking for a fun service opportunity this summer? You are in luck! Beginning June 2, you have the opportunity to serve as part of our Summer JAM (Jesus and Me) program. Volunteers (adults and teens) are needed during each service to monitor children during JAM time that includes an indoor lesson and outdoor playtime.
No preparation is needed. Serving in this capacity allows our regular JAM teachers to have a much-needed break in the summer and allows a rare opportunity for families and even small groups members to serve together. Who doesn’t love a good game of tag or creating sidewalk chalk creations?
It is easy to sign up. You can sign up on our NAPC App, or by clicking on this form. If you have questions, contact Anne Liptak.
Sun, Jun 2nd @ 12:00am
New Albany Presbyterian Church
5885 E Dublin Granville Rd
New Albany, OH 43054