Thursday Men’s Group

The Bible is more than a book—it’s a library!—written over 1,600 years by multiple authors and filled with different types of literature. Is it consistent from beginning to end? How does it all fit together anyway? Does it relate to our lives today? We’re inviting all the men of NAPC to join us as we take up these questions and more through our study: How to Read the Bible. Whether you’ve read the Bible cover-to-cover many times or have never cracked the binding, we will all grow and benefit as we learn how to read the Bible.
Study begins Thursday, September 5 runs for 11 weeks.
Books are provided by the NAPC Leader. Cost of the book is $15. Click the link below to pay.
Thu, Sep 5th @ 9:00am
New Albany Presbyterian Church
5885 E Dublin Granville Rd
New Albany, OH 43054