Small Groups

NAPC’s vision for small groups comes from Scripture itself, with the picture of the functioning early church in Acts 2:42-47. Commonly referred to as “The Fellowship of the Believers,” this passage shows how the Christian church operated in its earliest days. It shows smaller groups of people from within the larger church regularly gathering to do four basic things:

Learn from the teaching of the Apostles (studying God’s Word)
Fellowship time together and breaking bread (becoming friends)
Share their joys and struggles (lovingly helping each other)
Pray with and for one another (talking with God together)

Winter 2025 Resources

Each group will gather as they always have for fellowship and Bible study. The study questions this time will connect to our current preaching series on Genesis 1-11, From Beginning to Babel. All study questions will be provided electronically or a paper copy by your small group leader.

Watch the video to know more!

Important Dates

Each group can customize its meeting schedule, providing flexibility for us to operate in a way that’s best for us. Please reach out to your leader for specific details. Want to join a group? Click the button below.


Want to lead a group, or host a group? Contact Pastor Ken below.