NAPC’s Youth Ministry guides our 7th-12th grade students to be Gospel-centered young men and women, helping them to develop deep relationships for Christ.

Youth Nights
Every time you come to a Youth Night, you will find leaders ready to love you, food ready to eat, friends ready to play, and the Gospel taught. During these nights, after the food and the games, we sit down to have a Gospel centered, Biblical lesson, after which we split into small groups (by age and gender) to talk about it on a deeper level. Youth Nights happen on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month in the Youth Hub.

Camps & Retreats
We attend the Reformed Youth Ministry (RYM) Summer Conference and the EPiC Weekend Retreat, where students grow in their faith, fellowship with each other, and worship in a fun environment.
EPiC Winter Retreat – January 24-26, 2024
RYM Summer Conference- July 27 – 31, 2025

Through our Faith Formation program, high school youth participate in a multi-session program about the foundations of the Christian faith and what it means to be a member of NAPC. Upon completion of the program, the youth can take vows and become members of NAPC. The program is open to dedicated students ages 9th-12th grade. Contact our Associate Pastor to sign up.