MIssions @ NAPC
NAPC’S mission is to glorify God through lives changed by Jesus Christ. We believe that we can reach many by partnering with local, national, and global ministries who proclaim the gospel. We encourage you to explore this page to find out more about how you can get plugged in.
If you have any questions about the ministry partners NAPC supports, contact the church office.

LOcal Missions
NAPC believes it is important to support your local community by serving and loving the people in it. We support a local mission in New Albany school (LifeWise Academy + YoungLife), in our city (The Freedom Collective) and the Linden community near downtown Columbus. Check out ways you can serve your local community by clicking below.

National Missions
NAPC financially supports national missions/missionaries and regional missionaries through financial donations and traveling to support communities through mission trips.

Global Missions
NAPC partners with Sports Outreach for our global missions. Responding to God’s call to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with those less fortunate, Sports Outreach International (SOI) employs an effective holistic model to change the world by restoring hope and transforming lives! Check out our global missions partners we regularly visit, who are based in Ometepec and Gulu.