Matthew begins to follow Jesus and immediately invites his friends to meet him.
Jesus was with people who needed Him and perfectly balanced grace and truth.
God disciplines us because He loves us. Through discipline, we are given the strength to endure to the end and to grow in the "peaceful fruit of righteousness."
For the Christian, the race we run has Jesus as the focal point and joy as the reward.
Faith means thanking God in triumphs and trusting God in tragedies, and in all circumstances looking to the "better resurrection" promised to those in Christ.
We are saved by grace, not by respectability or external markers of decency or balancing the ledger of good deeds over bad. Faith is the response to grace which is…
Sometimes having faith means doing things which make very little practical or strategic sense, but are nonetheless exactly what God commands us to do, and what God is pleased to…
Faith in God is the struggle to believe He is both God and that He is good.
Genuine faith in Christ is demonstrated through courageous obedience as we look towards the reward.