Abel pleased God with his faithful sacrifice. None of his words are recorded in Scripture, yet his life of faith still speaks, even to us today, forever pointing to Jesus.
The crucial thing about faith is its object, not its quality or amount. Christian faith begins with the God who created everything and the Word through whom all creation came…
There are terrible consequences of leaving the faith. Therefore may we be found among those who endure to the end.
Jesus’ sacrifice demands that we draw near (to God), hold fast (to right doctrine), and stir up one another (to love and good works).
Jesus obeyed rather than sacrificed. And in so doing he sacrificed himself for us, fitting us for heaven.
The literal bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ means that all of life is meaningful and we who trust in Him should rejoice.
Jesus, the suffering servant who endures the cross, is the hope of all people and the companion of those who suffer.
Jesus leaves us with the best inheritance we could have when he died for us - the gift of forgiveness of sins and the promise that he will return. Do…
As we continue in our series through the book of Hebrews, the preacher will take a look back at one of the most important fixtures in the Old Testament, the…