Unity within the body of Christ is an ongoing work as we individually and communally conform to God’s Word.
Jesus is the high priest and king who suffered to bring salvation.
Jesus is the human high priest we need who gives us right standing with the Father, who empowers us to draw near to the Father for mercy, grace and help.
God promises true rest to his people. In ancient times and still today, we enter it only by faith. True believers will enter his rest as his Word trains us…
As we continue in our series on Hebrews, we come to the second warning passage. Here we are warned using the example of the Israelites after they were freed from…
Moses was respected as God’s faithful servant, but Jesus is to be worshiped as God’s faithful Son. Christians are to consider Jesus and hold fast to our hope.
Jesus is our Savior and Lord, which we rightly emphasize. But here we see that he is our elder brother who is not ashamed of us and who compassionately helps…
Though we do not yet see all things under the dominion of Jesus, he has been crowned with glory and will rule the world to come because of his humiliation…
This week we take the superiority of Jesus and hear what we are practically supposed to do with that. Then we will receive a stark warning to not neglect Jesus,…
Angels are impressive, but Jesus is much superior. Angels minister to and serve God’s people, but Jesus is to be worshiped by God’s people.