Jesus, as mediated through the Scriptures, is God. Don’t give up following Him.
If we are going to be in it for the long haul, we will have to stand with one another in love.
What will happen after Jesus returns? We have reached the final week of our sermon series "It Is the End of the World As We Know It" today, in our…
Jesus will judge believers based on how they invested their lives and this judgment will have implications for our joy or our regret when we are judged. It will not…
Jesus is a warring judge, and He will vanquish all sin and evil, and then judge all humans, separating those who belong to Him and those who do not. Both…
This week we learn that There are several different views on what goes down in the time right before the return of Jesus. Regardless of what we believe, the point…
we are going directly to be with God in Heaven where we will await the new heavens and new earth. We have nothing to fear about our own death.
God has prepared a heavenly city where we will dwell with him. Knowing where we are going shapes our lives here and now to be faithful and obedient.
The Seriously Playful Savior helps us understand that Jesus is both serious and playful. His resurrection and his example should lead to the same qualities in us as we follow…
We exist to glorify God through lives changed by Jesus Christ.