Bible Text: John 14:1–11Series: Behold the Man | We exist to glorify God through lives changed by Jesus Christ! Listen here to this week's sermon preached by Pastor Ken Rathburn…
Bible Text: Psalm 84: 1-12 | Preacher: Brian Evans | For the believer, enjoying God’s presence is the greatest good. Being in God’s House, where His presence resides is a…
Bible Text: John 13:31-38 | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: Behold the Man | Jesus gives a new commandment that his followers would love one another, and that by doing…
Bible Text: 2 Timothy 3:10 - 4:5 | Preacher: Jim Custer | This Father's Day Sunday NAPC was blessed with a guest Pastor- Jim Custer. Pastor Jim shares a special…
This scene revealing the betrayal of Judas also reveals the beauty of Jesus. He will be glorified, but will we turn and be justified?
During a dramatic and disturbing event, Jesus gives us an example of how we are to live our daily lives as followers of Him.
Jesus ends his public ministry with a summation. Will we believe or persist in unbelief?
Bible Text: John 12:20-36a | Preacher: David Milroy | Series: Behold the Man | Will you walk in the light of Jesus?
Bible Text: John 12:1-11 | Preacher: David Milroy | Series: Behold the Man | Lavish generosity towards Jesus combined with deep humility are hallmarks of Christian maturity as the proper…
Bible Text: John 11:45-57 | Preacher: David Milroy | Series: Behold the Man | Jesus exchanged the good to achieve the best for us when he made the ultimate sacrifice.…