We have a tough but awesome job to do by the power of the Holy Spirit - declare the truth of Christ in our community and display the fruit of Christ. Let’s be tough and rise to the challenge of leaving the building and go hard after the vision God has given His church.
Bible Text: John 15:18 - 16:4a | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: Behold the Man | Does the world around us really hate us? Jesus tells us they will. He…
Bible Text: John 15:1-17 | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: Behold the Man | The Vinedresser prunes the living vines and removes the dead ones. The end result is more…
When we truly grasp the ministry of the Holy Spirit, we find humble confidence in this fallen world. Our hearts are not troubled when we open ourselves to the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
Bible Text: John 13:31-38 | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: Behold the Man | Jesus gives a new commandment that his followers would love one another, and that by doing…
This scene revealing the betrayal of Judas also reveals the beauty of Jesus. He will be glorified, but will we turn and be justified?
During a dramatic and disturbing event, Jesus gives us an example of how we are to live our daily lives as followers of Him.
Jesus ends his public ministry with a summation. Will we believe or persist in unbelief?
Bible Text: John 12:20-36a | Preacher: David Milroy | Series: Behold the Man | Will you walk in the light of Jesus?
Bible Text: John 12:1-11 | Preacher: David Milroy | Series: Behold the Man | Lavish generosity towards Jesus combined with deep humility are hallmarks of Christian maturity as the proper…