The ways we work, accrue wealth and use our words reveal righteousness or wickedness, wisdom or foolishness. Yet no matter how well we apply these themes to our lives, we…
Wisdom is built into the fabric of the created order. We have to be able to tell it from Folly, and then pursue it doggedly for the blessings it provides.
Our children are being discipled. The question is who will disciple them more effectively - godly parents in partnership with the church, or the powerful forces of social media, peers…
Apart from fear of the Lord, we will never be truly wise.
Jesus’ priesthood is all we need for salvation and he is forever on our side, interceding for us.
Melchizedek is a priest-king who resembles the priest-king Jesus, and we are called to resemble Jesus to the world.
God never lies, and he has promised to save us. The hope of this promise is the anchor we need to keep going in Christ until we stand before Him.
The stern warning that we cannot taste of the heavenly gift of salvation, leave it, and then return convicts unbelievers to trust in Christ, and keeps believers on the path…
Unity within the body of Christ is an ongoing work as we individually and communally conform to God’s Word.
Jesus is the high priest and king who suffered to bring salvation.