The Christian life consists of continuous, purposeful striving to overcome our sins and struggles, and gain the prize: eternal joy with Jesus.
Being right with God happens only by knowing Christ through faith, and this relationship is so precious and valuable that it is worth everything we have.
Dissident friendships are mission-focused, servant-minded and deeply committed to one another.
We exist to glorify God through lives changed by Jesus Christ.
Jesus’ willingness to become human and die on the cross is the reason why he will be exalted and worshiped forever. His humility is also the model for how we…
The local church is to be characterized by charity, humility, and mutual care for one another.
How we understand our lives (either as events that affect our personal fulfillment, or as part of God’s cosmic plan of redemption in Christ) will either fuel or dampen our…
Partnerships in Gospel ministry and God’s guarantee of our future leads to bearing much fruit.
To belong to the dissident Jesus is to be a servant, a saint, and part of a family.
As we journey through the book of Philippians, this week we learn that the church is for anyone and everyone who repents and trusts in Jesus, and we want to…