Our willingness to unashamedly conform to the moral standards of the Word of God rather than the standards of the world, and to hold one another accountable to these Biblical…
Our witness to the watching world is heavily dependent upon our love for one another and our willingness to humbly serve together.
The message of the Gospel will only be recognized as true and powerful to those who are called. Therefore we should not be ashamed if people reject it, nor should…
God has a plan for our church, and for us as individuals, to see many in this city who are His people come to faith in Christ.
God knows us inside and out. He is omniscient, omnipresent, eternal and outside of time. The fact that he knows our every thought, intention, act, and motive will either give…
Blessing the Lord is the only appropriate response to His amazing goodness, and the best way to endure our own mortality.
God is patient, kind, and the rock of our salvation. He is also not to be trifled with or presumed upon. Therefore we have soft hearts toward His voice and…
We are called to work hard to accomplish the things God has set before us, and we do this work knowing our limits and trusting His sovereignty. This includes the…
Human conflict and relational friction are part of life. We should not minimize the real pain of relationships that break down, but we also do not put our hope in…
The pursuit of joy in God is carried out over a lifetime, with many challenges. Sin tempts, trials and tragedies assail. In daily life, we worship. In difficult times, we…