Jesus ends his public ministry with a summation. Will we believe or persist in unbelief?
Bible Text: 1 Peter 5:1-5, Acts 6: 1-7 | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: What is the Church? | For the good of the local church, elders are servant leaders…
Bible Text: John 11:17-37 | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: Behold the Man | Jesus declares himself the resurrection and the life, precisely while in the midst of death and…
Bible Text: John 8:48-59 | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: Behold the Man | Jesus takes the divine name of God—the great “I AM”—leaving us with a choice: reject him…
Bible Text: Acts 10:9-16, 28-35, Galatians 2:11-14 | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: Befriend | When we overcome our own prejudices against people different than us, we can befriend them.…
Bible Text: John 6:22-29 | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: Behold the Man Humans search endlessly, working to fix themselves and earn God’s favor. And yet, the only “work” God…
Bible Text: John 5:19-29 | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: Behold the Man Jesus is God. He has the authority to give life and to judge. And so, we cannot…
Bible Text: John 4:1-30, 39-42 | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: Behold the Man In the Gospel, you can be satisfied by the Gift of the Living Water. Why not…
Bible Text: John 1:19-34 | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: Behold the Man John the Baptist was sent by God with a distinct purpose. He was not to be the…
Bible Text: Matthew 1:18–25 | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (?)" Anticipation builds toward year-end as our culture tells us everything really can…