God's people assemble to hear the Word of God, and they are deeply convicted. While their sorrow is understandable, the joy of the Lord demands that we rejoice in the…
The people of God, then and now, are called to stick to the mission God has or the local church regardless of threats or obstacles. This requires both courage and…
Mary (and Joseph) are faithful parents - they obey God and His Law in raising up Jesus. Their faithfulness represents the goodness of the family, and of the family of…
Bathsheba was taken advantage of by David, and experienced grief and sorrow and loss as a result. Yet, she became the queen mother of Solomon and one of the women…
The loyalty and steadfastness of Ruth point to the goodness of our sovereign God, who loves us in spite of the painful circumstances we all face in life.
Tamar’s inclusion into Jesus’ genealogy and her messy life demonstrate that the good news of the Gospel is for misfits and sinners, just like us.