Life is uncertain and brings many trials and challenges, but we can rely on the holy, just, merciful, and awesome God of the universe. He has proven His care for…
Where do we ultimately place our trust? Jesus teaches that the degree of our generosity gives evidence of the disposition of our hearts—whether we have an immediate and worldly mindset…
Having been given this gift of relationship with the Father through the Son by the power of the Spirit, we are commanded to GO OUT into the world with the…
We need each other to be faithful to Jesus and courageous witnesses in the world.
Jesus, the gentle and lowly Savior, uses humble people to do extraordinarily courageous things in and through the local church as we look UP.
In an amazing encounter between God and Moses, God describes Himself for the first time in Scripture. What God reveals is that He is an awesome God who is worthy…
Suffering often leads to doubting God’s love for us. We go to Jesus (prayer, Word, the body) for help, and we practice long-term faithfulness, trusting that we belong to Him…
John is a humble servant by rejoicing in his diminishing role and pointing to Jesus. This is our life’s mission.
Jesus’ incarnation was aided by abetted his adoptive dad Joseph, a relatively obscure man in the line of David who trusted God and obeyed Him in a critical time. We…
In Mary we see extraordinary faith in the most ordinary of persons. God is the grace-giving actor in this passage, but Mary’s response of childlike faith should be a model…