Bible Text: Luke 12:15-21 | Preacher: David Milroy | Series: New Year, Same Privilege and Challenge
Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Revelation 21:1-4 | Preacher: Tanner Fixari | Series: Our Ongoing Advent
Bible Text: Isaiah 53:1-6 | Preacher: David Milroy | Series: Welcome to the Mess
Bible Text: Matthew 1:18-25 | Preacher: David Milroy | Series: Welcome to the Mess
Bible Text: Matthew 2:13-18 | Preacher: David Milroy | Series: Welcome to the Mess
Bible Text: Matthew 2:1-12 | Preacher: David Milroy | Series: It's all about the mission
Bible Text: Philemon 1-25 | Preacher: David Milroy | Series: Gratitude and Giving, It's all about the mission
Bible Text: Matthew 25:14-30 | Preacher: David Milroy | Series: It's all about the mission
Bible Text: HEBREWS 12: 1-2; PSALM 139: 23-24; MARK 4: 9 | Preacher: Ken Rathburn | Series: Marriage in Light of Eternity
Bible Text: Ephesians 6:1-4 | Preacher: David Milroy | Series: Marriage in Light of Eternity